About the ESPG Website

Site History:

The domain of www-ssg.sr.unh.edu, now known as espg.sr.unh.edu, was originally created by Kimberly Meyer in 1996. Jan Heirtzler took over its design and maintenance in October of 1998. The site has gone through a number of changes since its inception; the latest design was uploaded to the server on 10 October, 2001. The domain of esp.sr.unh.edu is maintained by Mark Chutter; if you have questions or comments on those pages, please write to him, as they are separate servers and Jan cannot make changes to pages on esp.


If you have any comments on the information presented on the site, or the design thereof, please do not hesitate to contact Jan. It is only through feedback from its users that the site can be improved. If you liked this page design, and/or those of the Physics courses also contained here (Introduction to Astronomy, Intro to Physics, Physics Preceptorial, and Solar Wind and Cosmic Rays), please visit my freelance site for more information about having a website designed just for you!

Programs Used and Browser Compatibility:

This version of the site was created using Dreamweaver 4 for the Macintosh, on a Power Mac G3. BBEdit Lite has also been used for some changes. It is optimized for the newest generation of browsers -- Netscape 6.0 and Internet Explorer 5.5 [Windows] [Macintosh] -- and as such, tables may not display properly on the older browser versions, which do not conform to the new W3 standards. It is strongly recommended that you download the newest browser, as many pages (not just this one) require the full functionality that they deliver.


The site is served by an Apache/1.3.3 Server running Solaris 4.x Unix.


Jan wishes to credit her husband and co-worker David Heirtzler for his help in troubleshooting the JavaScripts now in use for page creation, and their son Stephen (born 22 May 2000) for not pushing *too* many keys while she types.