VI. The Earth and the Planets

1. Magnetospheres

A) The Earth is a magnet (magnetic compass)

a) "Magnetosphere": It is a cavity in the solar wind and
Contains Earth's magnetism
Contains plasma from Earth's atmosphere and solar wind

Plasma: Gas with free electrons and ions.
99% of universe is plasma (reason we study plasmas in the solar system).

Ion: Atom with some electrons knocked off by UV or collision with electrons

Plasma is electrically conductive and can be trapped in magnetic field, because:

charged particles only move freely along magnetic field lines, but are forced into circles around the field lines.

Key regions in the magnetosphere:

b) Van Allen radiation belts (1958):

charged particles spiralling on earth's magnetic lines.

c) The solar wind produces a "geomagnetic tail" -- points away from sun.

Corona changes Þ solar wind changes --> magnetosphere changes

Leads to magnetic reconnection in tail and on front

reconnected field lines behave like extended rubber band

-> can accelerate charged particles (electrons and ions)

d) The Aurora

Reconnection --> high energy electrons
--> spiral down magnetic lines
--> hit upper atmosphere in polar regions
Þ light
Auroral analogy: a big TV screen in the sky

Auroral ovals: N & S hemispheres, around the magnetic poles

Aurora not likely directly at the N and S geographic poles

B) Other planets have magnetospheres.

Jupiter's magnetosphere is the largest "object" in solar system

Saturn, Uranus, Neptune have magnetospheres

If you want to see reconnection of magnetic field lines in motion,

go to the Reconnection Movie.

2. Planetary Magnetic Fields

A) Earth's Magnetism


Convection of liquid iron in Earth's core and
Rotation of Earth -> magnetic field

B) Solid Earth (Interior)

a) Density of Earth

b) Seismology

Earthquake --> compressional (P) waves (like sound)
Þ shear (S) waves (like wave on string)

We deduce that the earth has a liquid core:

Wave travelling through the earth

Resulting picture of the Earth's interior with 3 layers:

Crust < 100 km rocks solid
Mantle < 2900 km rocks solid
Core rest very heavy; Fe, Ni liquid

c) Hot interior from radioactivity

d) Convection:

Results: -> magnetism
-> formation of surface structures (volcanoes, plate motion)

C) Magnetism on Other Planets

Electrically conducting substance and
Motion (rotation and/or convection) in interior

a) Inner Planets

Earth: Molten iron core and Rotation
Heat Þ convection -> magnetism.
Venus: Molten iron core (evidence: dense; active volcanoes)
but very slow rotation -> no magnetism.
Mercury: Iron core (evidence: dense)
May not be molten (evidence: no heat flow from interior)
Very slow rotation
but here is weak magnetism -- a riddle
Mars: No liquid iron core
(evidence: low density, iron in surface, no active volcanoes)
Very weak magnetism in spite of fast rotation as Earth.

Planetary Magnetic Fields: Inner Planets

Earth Venus Mercury Mars Moon
Magnetic Field Yes No Weak (riddle) No No
Liquid Iron Core Yes Yes Iron but solid No No
Rotation Period 24 hours 240 days 58 days 24.5 days 28 days

b) Outer Planets

Composition of giant planets: like Sun (75% H, 23% He, rest heavy elements)
But interior: compressed that H is metallic (in Jupiter and Saturn)

Planetary Magnetic Fields: Outer Planets

Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune
Magnetic Field Yes Yes

Yes, off center and strange direction

Yes, off center and strange direction
Hot Liquid Interior Yes: metallic hydrogen Yes: metallic hydrogen Yes: Water Yes: Water
Rotation Period ~10 hours ~10 hours ~17 hours ~16 hours

Other planets

3. Surface of Planets and Moons

A) Plate tectonics

Coast lines of continents (Africa and America) fit together
Motion of continents (2 - 4 cm/year)
Convection --> continental drift --> Earth's early history has been erased

B) Volcanism on planets:

Continental drift carries earth's surface over the hot spots
--> chains of small volcanoes.

look around:

Mars: dead volcanoes
Venus: active volcanoes
(evidence: we detect volcanic gases in Venus' atmosphere)
Mars and Venus have no continental drift.
Volcanoes sit over hot spots --> huge volcanoes

C) Volcanism on moons

a) Tidal volcanism

Tidal flexing (from passage of next moon) + internal friction --> heating.
(Different from volcanoes on Earth: from radioactive heating!)
Hot enough to melt sulfur
Water geysers (?) on Saturn's moon Enceladus and Jupiter's Europa
--> snow and bright surface.
Tidal flexing enough to heat water.

b) Sun driven volcanism:

Ice geysers on Neptune's moon Triton.
sun-driven liquid nitrogen volcanoes (?)
Comets in the inner solar system: ejection of material
sun-driven ejection

D) Craters on Moon and Mercury

many craters on the surface
-> no change by weather as on Earth
-> no atmosphere
possible reason for craters on the moon and Mercury?
Volcanoes? no evidence, not the right conditions
Impacts? yes, lots of debris in the solar system

a) Crater size depends on energy of object, not on its size

b) Most craters found throughout the solar system are the remains of the last objects to fall onto the planets or moons during formation

Earth has few visible craters because of

- plate tectonics (renewal of surface)
- weathering

E) Age of formations

a) Age determined from rocks sampled by Apollo astronauts

oldest rocks ~ 4.5 billion years

b) Method:

radioactive decay e.g., Thorium -> several steps -> lead
ratio of lead/thorium is measured -> age

F) Formation of the Moon

a) Earth and Moon Formed Together Twin Model
Problem: Density of the Moon < Density of the Earth

-> Not Formed from Same Material

b) Moon Captured by the Earth Spouse Model
Problem: Object approaching planet from far away
does not orbit without deceleration
-> Cannot Be Captured

c) Moon Ejected from Earth After Impact Child Model:
Evidence: Density = Earth's Mantle
Composition = Earth's Mantle
Moon contains few volatile materials (water, gases)
Þ heating during impact?
Big impact Þ other early moons Þ
collide with each other Þ debris Þ
collide with the Moon Þ Moon's craters(?)

-> Current Best Model

Speculation: The impact which formed the moon may have removed earth's early CO2 atmosphere. This may be why we are not like Venus.

4. Planetary Atmospheres

A) Existence of atmospheres

high temperature -> gas molecules faster -> escape easier
larger planet -> stronger gravity -> keep gases around planet
Mercury: hot and small -> no atmosphere
Moon: small -> no atmosphere

B) Greenhouse effect:

a) selective absorption of light

Greenhouse effect

b) Greenhouse gases:

Water vapor (deserts get cold at night).
Early earth: water vapor --> strong greenhouse.
Carbon dioxide (CO2).
Methane (not much methane but a very strong absorber).

c.f. Venus: CO2 atmosphere --> strong greenhouse --> hellish place (>480 C)
Mars: Thin CO2 atmosphere. (cold)
Venus, Mars have CO2 --> Earth probably started with lots of CO2

Where did Earth's CO2 go?
i. Water dissolves CO2 (e.g. soda pop).
Water + CO2 Þ carbonic acid.
Carbonic acid + Calcium or Magnesium salts (washed into ocean by rivers)
Þ precipitated carbonates Þ settle to bottom of ocean
Þ limestone (calcium carbonate), magnesite (magnesium carbonate)
sedimentary rocks.
ii. Life stored CO2.
e.g. chalk or oil and coal deposits
iii. Volcanoes release the CO2 stored in rocks Þ cycle
Importance of volcanoes: Add CO2 and water to atmosphere Þ greenhouse
Thus recycle CO2 from buried carbonate rocks
May have happened in the past on Mars, but not recently

5. Water on Planets

Mercury too hot and no atmosphere
Venus too hot -> water vapor
-> destroyed by intense solar UV
Water on Earth important for life -> What about Mars?

A) White polar caps which show seasons

-> dry ice (CO2), cannot be pure water (atmospheric pressure too low)

B) Mars canals were reported (Schiaparelli, last century)

only seen with human eye, not on photographs
(the eye/brain connects uncorrelated dots)

But more recently riverbeds found -->

Mars had liquid water
(evidence: riverbeds)
--> thick atmosphere in past
Where did Mars' water go??
Low pressure atmosphere --> water cannot exist as liquid
(c.f. 'dry' ice is left in polar caps) --> water vapor broken up by solar UV
or buried by permafrost

6. Conditions for Life

reasonable temperature: presumably 0 C < temperature < 100 C
atmosphere with reacting gases: O, N, CO2, and/or methane
a liquid, in which life can thrive (on Earth: liquid water; anything else??)

We may find surprises!!!

7. Ring Systems

Saturn known for beautiful ring system but also found
at Uranus, Neptune and Jupiter

a) Why a ring and no moon?

-> Tidal forces: Roche Limit is due to Competition between:
Tides from planet --> try to tear apart a moon
Self-gravity --> tries to hold moon together
Inside the Roche Limit: tides win.
Tides will overwhelm self-gravity and tear apart a moon inside the Roche Limit.
This will happen to Neptune's Triton when it comes closer to the planet!
Or tides will prevent a moon from forming inside this distance
Almost all rings are inside the Roche limit. (Saturn, Jupiter, Uranus)

b) Why are the rings so stable and sharply structured?

It's all gravitational interaction!
Shepherd satellites "focus" skinny rings, which would be expected to "diffuse"

Sharp edge of Saturn's A ring: small moon just beyond the ring

Encke division in Saturn's A ring: small moon slinging particles out of the division

8. Small bodies in the solar system

A) Asteroids

B) Comets

a) have very eccentric orbits -> come from freezer into warm sun -> evaporation

b) have 2 tails

dust tail -> comet dust
-> driven by radiation pressure of the sun
plasma tail -> gas from comet gets ionized by UV light of the sun
-> blown by solar wind
(first recognition of solar wind (Biermann, 1949)

investigated by active experiments (artificial comets)

c) comet is dirty snowball (fluffy configuration) (Whipple)

but under bombardement from solar wind and cosmic rays
-> tar-like substance on surface
-> very dark surface (observed by Giotto)
-> material comes out in bright geysers

d) come from Oort Cloud of comets -- way beyond Pluto.

Comet orbits suggest a huge reservoir of objects far away. However, they could not have formed there, wasn't enough material out there.

They probably formed near U and N and got ejected by a slingshot by J, S, U, N

C) Meteors

provided the only hands-on material for a long time

Debris of the solar system --> hit Earth's atmosphere ("meteors")
--> called "meteorites" if they land

There are three types of meteors: Carbonaceous, stony, iron

a) break-up comets

- meteor showers along comet orbit
- fluffy structure like comets, break-up of comets observed
Carbonaceous chondrites contain volatiles
--> no differentiation
--> sample of early solar system like comets.

b) from asteroid belt

Asteroids collide --> small debris ("meteoroids")
Iron and Stony meteorites

--> some asteroids were big enough for differentiation.

c) Impacts and life:

i )Carbonaceous chondrites contain water & complex molecules including amino acids

--> building blocks of life were there at the beginning of the solar system.
Comets and water-bearing asteroids may have been

early sources of water and building blocks of life.

ii) Major extinction of life 65 million years ago.

Dust or CO2 , from an impact: change of climate ?
killed dinosaurs and other life forms?
Evidence: Iridium is very rare on Earth
(likes to be with iron so most of it probably sunk to the Earth's iron core).
Iridium is much more abundant in iron meteorites.

1980: Luis (Nobel prize for something else) and Walter Alvarez found a 65 million year old layer of rock with a lot of iridium.

Conclusion: Þ the iridium came from space.
Amount of iridium --> the object must have been 10 km across
Þ it would have made a crater 150-200 km in diameter.

A crater of the right age and size (~ 300 km) has been found in Yucatan.

Alternate theories: - lots of volcanoes changed climate
- radiation from nearby supernova killed life

But: not too much credibility any more, after crater was found.

Riddle: Life began 3.8 billion years ago.
But there was intense bombardment up to 3 billion years ago
--> dark dusty sky and boiling of oceans.
How did life start under these conditions?

9. General Features of Planets

A) Orbits

Almost in the same plane
Almost everything has same sense of spin

B) Appearance and composition

Close to sun: rocky planets and rocky debris
Far from sun: gaseous planets, icy satellites, icy debris (comets)
Exception: Pluto and Charon are ice + rock -- a riddle
Did they get knocked out of Neptune's system of moons?
Are there lots of Plutos out there?

Close to sun: "volatile" stuff evaporated --> "refractory" stuff remains
Far from sun: cold --> even gases could accumulate without escaping gravity
Result: giant gaseous planets J,S,U,N far from sun

C) Similarities in Jupiter's system:

Close to Jupiter: Io and Europa are rocky
Far from Jupiter: Ganymede and Callisto are ice + rock
Conclusion: Jupiter produced heat (from gravitational energy) while it formed

To be explained by model on solar system formation!

10. Planets in Other Star Systems

A) Detection Techniques

Motion of the star in response to the planet's gravitational pull
- transverse motion in te sky
- motion away or towards us (Doppler effect)

Plan to build huge telescope clusters in space to see these planets

Find out more from JPL's Planet Quest website.

B) Types of Planetary Systems

Planets of pulsars (probably not from star formation)
Jupiter-size planets close to the star
Jupiter-size planets further away (similar to our solar system)
greater than Jupiter-size planets in excentric orbits (more like binary stars)

This is just the beginning, the heavy ones are the easiest to find.

C) Consequences of the Findings

-> planetary systems probably a general feature of stars
-> possibly many, many planetary systems in the universe
-> opens many chances for life to emerge!
-> planetary systems may be more diverse than our solar system

Go to Chapter VII